4 research outputs found

    Boolean Logic Practice WebApp

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    Currently, the GVSU School of Computing offers a course during undergraduate studies that teaches Boolean logic and its corresponding basic circuit design. The textbook used in that course, while being very informative, lacks the quantity of practice problems that a student might need. Therefore, students will have the availability to experience a greater variety of practice problems. This will allow students to increase their knowledge in the world of Boolean logic which will help them along in their pursuit of their undergraduate degree. The students will be provided scenarios such as, translating a truth table to an expression, expression to truth table, circuit to truth table, and circuit to expression. In future developments, truth table and expression to circuits may be available. This web application is deployed through Heroku and was developed with a Ruby on Rails backend server with a JavaScript, HTML, and CSS frontend as well as a Wolfram Alpha API call used to generate the circuits